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Indian Citation Index


"If you can measure that of which you speak, and can express it by a number, you know something of your subject; but if you cannot measure it, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory."  William Thomson, Lord Kelvin

India is a huge part of the global society, has long and distinguished history as country, possess capability and vital resource to influence, mark presence on the emerging universe of knowledge. India is contributing good amount of knowledge but there is no tool for evaluation and measurement of its knowledge. At international level few tools/databases are available but coverage of Indian knowledge contents particularly published in local national journals are negligible. Therefore, these tools/databases are not adequate to evaluate/ analyze India's knowledge contents. To resolve similar limitation, few countries, like China, Korea, Japan etc. have already brought out their own citation indexes. Mr. Prakash Chand, Ex Scientist NISCAIR, CSIR and M/s DIVA ENTERPRISES Pvt. Ltd. with a view to address this long felt need have developed and brought out multidisciplinary Indian Citation Index (ICI) by scanning ~1000 journals of Indian origin.



Indian Citation Index (ICI) is a home grown abstracts and citation database, with multidisciplinary objective information/knowledge contents from about 1000 top Indian scholarly journals. It provides powerful search engine basically to perform search and evaluation for researchers, policy makers, decision makers etc. At present, it is planned to launch this long awaited and needed information tool with five years back files (depth) which would go over 10 years and beyond in a year's time. ICI database is a powerful tool that let you search, track, measure and collaborate in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities to turns raw data/information into the powerful knowledge you need.


Indian Citation Index (ICI) database is an abstracts and citation database intended to measure and perform two basic functions, general literature search and evaluation using citations similar to international databases. A database in general is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed for various purposes, managed, and updated regularly.

Citations symbolize the association of R&D ideas. The references that researchers cite in their papers make explicit links between their current research and prior work in the literature archive. Indian Citation Index (ICI) use intellectual links by listing both cited and citing works. Like other indexes, this enables one to move back in time to previously published papers. But uniquely one can also look forward in time to determine who has subsequently cited an earlier piece of research.



  • Indian R&D literature across all disciplines i.e. science, technology, medicine, agriculture, social science and humanities get published in 1000 plus journals/ serials or in other documents emanating from India.


  • To ensure access to articles published in local Indian R&D literature at national & global level

  • To reflect and represent true picture of locally published Indian scholarly contribution at national and global level

  • To have an authentic tool/ground for effective, & rigorous evaluation of Indian scholarly works



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